Embed YouTube videos cleanly.

A unique tool to better embed YouTube videos on your website. Built for everyone.

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Easy integration

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Better User Experience

Provide viewers with a clean, distraction-free video player for a more enjoyable viewing experience.

More Engagement

Increase viewer interaction by eliminating distractions that keep them focused on your video content.

Focus on Content

Ensure that your audience's attention remains solely on your video, not on unrelated YouTube elements.


Optimize loading times with a streamlined embed code that enhances site performance.

Easy Integration

Embed videos effortlessly using simple code snippets that work seamlessly with any website.

Embed YouTube videos
without distractions.

25% off with the code Launch


16€12€ forever

or Start a 30-Day trail

1 domain

Unlimited embeds

Instant setup

Player customization

Lifetime updates


24€18€ forever

or Start a 30-Day trail

20 domains

Unlimited embeds

Instant setup

Player customization

Lifetime updates

Priority support


Let's talk!



Everything in Pro

Unlimited domains

Tailor-made video player and functions

In-depth statistics

Questions? Answers.

CleanVid is a tool designed to provide clean, customizable YouTube video embeds for your website, removing unnecessary elements like titles, logos, and related videos for a seamless viewing experience.

CleanVid enhances your website by offering distraction-free video embeds, improving user experience, increasing engagement, and ensuring your videos align with your site's aesthetics.

Yes, CleanVid is legal. It uses YouTube's public API to embed videos while removing extraneous elements, adhering to YouTube's terms of service.

Using CleanVid is simple: sign up for an account, add your domain, and integrate a script on your website. Our intuitive interface makes integration quick and easy.

CleanVid works by leveraging YouTube's API to create an embed code that strips away titles, logos, and related videos. You can customize the appearance and functionality of the video player, then copy the embed code to use on your website.